Thanksgiving: A Time to Remember by Barbara Rainey.
Available through Family Life.
An incredible dramatization of the Thanksgiving story. We also love the CD of Thanksgiving music included. It is very mellow and appropriate for dinner music.
We have the CD version, but there is a book as well I'd like to get in the after-Thanksgiving sales.
Thanksliving Treasures
I almost hate to mention this one, because I can't find it anywhere on the internet. It is a discontinued product from Family Life. Maybe they'll re-issue it one of these days. I like to check various sellers online occasionally to see if I can find it. It is a little treasure box containing a booklet/devotional about Thanksgiving with small "treasures" that illustrate the story. I found it in some used homeschooling stuff at a bookstore. Keep an eye out and let me know if you find it!
Thanksgiving CD
This year, I have worked on another project of my own. As I've listened to Christmas music early (as we usually do) I have wished so much for a good radio station or collection of Thanksgiving/Praise music. So I've started collecting my own to make a Thanksgiving CD. We like the $.88 cent Walmart Downloads. I'm excited about it, becuase I can include everything from Point of Grace to George Winston for just the right Thankful mix.
Thanksgiving Journal
We also have a big beautiful red journal that we use at Thanksgiving. We record where we spent the special time and who was there. Then as we do our table tradition, we record what each person's thoughts. We have also passed the book around throughout the day and let each person write their own thoughts. What a treasure to have the great grandmas' praisings and blessings in their own handwriting!
Table Traditions
Singing is a big part of our family table traditions. We often print out the songs or readings we'll be using for whoever might be visiting. We like like to quote the creed. Sometimes we give everyone a couple kernals of Indian corn. As we go around the table, each person gives the traditional "What I'm Thankful For" for each kernal.
Inside Out Thanksgiving
I'd like to figure out some new ways to turn Thanksgiving inside out: To take our Thankfulness, add some freshness to it (by teaching our children and ourselves to focus on even deeper blessings than a clothes, food and friends) and then to turn the blessing outward to others. One way we like to do this is to include all kinds of people at our table. I've also tried to focus for several weeks on having the girls daily verbalize their blessings. And we did a fun "ring the doorbell and run" blessing for some friends. But I'm still wanting some new ideas...I'd love to hear your ideas!
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