Graduation Day

by sarahmfry, June 19, 2008
The day started with our church Memorial Day service. We had our church people submit photos of their loved ones who had passed on. We had a "Precious Memories" power point presentation of our loved ones, and a military section in honor of fallen soldiers. With that humongous project behind me, we were in for quite a day!

I found my Kindergarten graduation picture right before Kayla's graduation! Cool, huh?

She's full of it, and we love her for it.....
I can't help but fastforward this picture 13 years to when she's 18 with her high school senior class. I can just picture her with her friends.....

Don't wanna leave Kooky Karissa out.
One of several failed attempts at a family pic.

Then we went to the open houses of our graduating seniors. (David is a supervisor in the upper learning center and I filled in for him there, as well.) I was too busy eating homeade tamales to take pictures at the open house, but I did snap some of our 3 hoodlums in a moment of sibling affection as we left.

And then we ended the day with a cookout at Grandma and Grandpa Fry's house with a bunch of friends.

The gals sat around and talked while the guys played an intense, macho game of croquet (in background).It was a beautiful day. With friends like these, how could you help but love them......(She may never speak to me again as long as we both shall live. Alas, the end of a beautiful friendship.)

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