Simple Pleasures :: Abundant Blessings

by sarahmfry, October 08, 2008
Life is full of simple pleasures that are abundant blessings. I am reading (listening) to a book that has reminded me again to fully be in the moment that is now. I may just share some of those simple pleasures and abundant blessings with you from time to time.

:: The sound of an autumn rain through the open windows

:: The comfort of Eric Satie as I wash dishes

:: A pause, then an on purpose kiss from David as soon as he arrives home from studying

:: Watching my two year old boy play imaginary football with himself in the living room with every ounce of happy energy in his little body

:: Finding a pile of cool Renaissance costumes at goodwill for our Reformation Day celebration with David's students

I fear that in this sharing I will get myself going and not know where to stop. I've always believed in drinking life in - Carpe Diem was my high school class motto and has been a sort of personal theme for me. And by that phrase I am not referring to a hedonistic and godless search for pleasure. I am referring to a mind and heart that is set to view each simple pleasure and daily beauty as a gift from the Hand of a God of Spectacular Extravagance.

Care to join me?

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