There is no known cure for the annual viral bug convention. Dousing the little suckers with gallons of water, overloading them with vitamins and natural remedies and smothering them in sleep can give the illusion of progress for the afflicted convention host. But the ugly truth is, those bugs ain't leaving until the convention's over, dude! But infection? Oh yeah, baby. We've got ammo. Bacterial Explosions and Viral Conventions are two totally different battles. And while the Bacterial dudes tend to pack a more vicious punch, those little Viral devils will keep their slimy hold to the end. So..back to our ammo. Science, via my good friend Flemming, has brought us penicillin! And a lot of other "illins" which are good for "killins" the "villins".
So...back to the good news. What I'm saying is, I think maybe the convention is over, the bugs have moved on to another host and I am left with a massive Bacterial Explosion that is nothing - I repeat NOTHING against half a bottle of slightly outdated Dicloxacillin from.......well......okay, from when Corin was born.
So - Basically I just used 373 words (literally - I checked) to proclaim that I think I might be on the road to recovery because I'm taking an old bottle of antibiotics from my fridge! Told you it was good news.
And - as icing on this riveting story, I am nearly certain my werewolf eyes are going away, thanks to a magic little tube of stuff smuggled to my mother (legally and honestly, of course) from our midwife Nelda from the maternity ward. Hmmm....interesting.....Just think how hopelessly sick I'd be right now if it weren't for having babies.
The fact that I'm sitting here alone in my house laughing out loud somehow troubles me. Hope I'm okay.
Okie Dokie, then. Lots and tons of work to be done before the caffeine wears off and the boys get home.
Many many blessings upon you for reading these good tidings of great joy.
And may the force be with you.
I should have been using these valuable minutes of time, I suppose, to work on the article which is due TODAY. But I ask you....Do I SOUND like I am in any condition to be writing an article of any kind? Really? I rest my case.
I'd also like to say that I dedicate this post to refined, dignified almost-PhD husband. Just wanna make you proud, Babe.
I'd also like to say that I dedicate this post to refined, dignified almost-PhD husband. Just wanna make you proud, Babe.
photo credits (not an endorsement of the sources):
crazy lady:
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