New Years Eve.....2011

in , by sarahmfry, January 13, 2011
David and I shot pictures for a wedding on New Years Eve.  We were there from about noon to 8:30.  After a very fun and relaxed wedding, we headed back to my brother Garen's house to join the family festivities.  They were gathered 'round the fire on the front porch....rockin' and talkin'

We soon pulled out the New Year's Poppers from Ireland - compliments of Aunt De!  This set included musical whistles.  So the music-making and foolishness began....

No, don't SMOKE it you PLAY it!

It got goofier as the midnight hour approached....

Not sure who's instructing who here....
Mark (De's man) and Jeff (Chelle's man) get it figured out.

Our fine conductor...He's been doing this since he was 18 months old!

Some sort of disagreement between the conductor and Aunt Crystal.  I'm sure the conductor won.

After we moved the party inside, Caiden had his own handy-dandy method of getting the ball into the pocket. Very effective!

 Caiden was attacked by Aunt Deanna and Grandma Wolf!

It was a happy night....

A very happy night, indeed!


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